Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Last evening,
on my deck
at midnight,
in deep frustration,
I howled
my name out loud.
No one heard;
no one cared;
but I like to think
the moon applauded.
  - mce


She was
the Queen of Spring;
even her softest sighs
could sing.

Daffodils sprouted
from her lips;
Lilacs grew
around her hips.

Tulips blossomed
in her eyes;
bedecked her thighs.

Oh, she really was
the Queen of Spring;
even her softest sighs
did sing.
  - mce

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Why Of The Thing

Poetry is our
futile attempt
to imagine
what we
cannot know.
  - mce


Even looking
at sixty,
how odd
life can be.
No wife,
no children,
no home,
no country,
no hope,
no fame,
no fortune,
no books
and, yet,
this undeniably
perfect day.
  - mce

Kodak Moment

One day,
I will forget
how your
green eyes
above me
and your
bright smile
and your hair
upon my face,
but (thankfully)
that day
is not today.
  - mce

Monday, March 29, 2010

Come On, It Can't Be That Difficult

I am seeking
a Mechanic
to mend my heart.
She must be
adept, versatile
and competent.
she will listen
to Scarlatti
while she works.
She will need
to carefully
disassemble the
damaged vessel
and be able
to reassemble it
whole and intact.
Can't pay much,
but other benefits
are available.
I have tried
Craig's List, Ebay
and the yellow pages.
So far, no luck.
Oh where have all
the Mechanics of Love
Call me,
if you know one.
  - mce

When Next We Meet

 (Author's Note: The first two lines of this poem were used by Diane Wakoski as a prompt for students in her poetry workshops. I couldn't resist the challenge. The result was this poem. - mce)

Next time we meet,
let's keep our clothes on.
Let us observe
the proprieties,
proper and Puritan.
Let us maintain
the distance of fools.
Let us smile
the waxed smiles
of corpses.
Let us pretend
we have never
danced within
one another,
have never sung
unlikely songs
of flesh and desire.
It will be awkwardly
exact and Victorian,
but it will be safe.
No heartbreak will ensue.
Next time we meet,
let's keep our clothes on.
  - mce

The Limits Of Endurance

Each time
his life
he was
to find
that he
So far.
  - mce

Keep That Safety On

He spoke less than ever
because he knew
his tongue a weapon,
but no longer aimed
to wound or kill.
  - mce

It's The Little Things

Just the memory
of the crook
of your knee
is worth
an entire life
to me.
  - mce

Keeping Up Appearances

He looked like
a soldier of fortune,
but he was really
a soldier of poverty.
  - mce


Every spring
he took wing
and migrated,
like a confused
to nowhere.
Same journey;
same destination.
Which way home?
  - mce


Taste me, Love,
and I will taste you.
We will call this
We will call this
we will call this
world without end.
We will make this
all the religion
either of us
can ever need.
Never separate;
never many;
never alone.
One blood,
one body,
one presence:
One, One, One.
  - mce

Hell Is The Place Where No Birds Sing

Too much silence
makes the soul
deaf to life.
Sweet Lady of green
and gentle music,
even the wildflowers
do not speak to me.
Tell me your secret:
when will the birds
of spring sing
in my heart again?
It's birdsong I need;
silence speaks for itself.
  - mce

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cosmic Personal Ad

Man with no future
seeks woman
with no past
for mutual oblivion.
Please send
your qualifications
on a blank post card
addressed to nowhere.
We shall see
how things progress
from there.
  - mce


Where did you vanish,
lovely Muse?
I miss the caress
of your whispers
in my mind's ears
suggesting order.

Now, although
I listen intently,
the only sounds
are rain on a tin roof,
mice rustling in a corner,
breath and heartbeat
and nothing at all.

When you disappear,
the world becomes
cruel and random
as when a lover
dumps you for
no particular reason,
leaving an incomplete
jumble of pieces
from which you must
puzzle out creation.

Only return, Sweet Muse,
and whisper once more;
you know my heart will listen.

Without you I am only
a deformed lump of clay;
an aging man holding
a losing hand while
Death looks at his cards
and smiles with certainty;
without you the Void
becomes the Abyss;
without you, there is no me.
  - mce

Drumbeats And Bugles

I am at war with time.
At war with. At war.
With time. War. I. Am.
I am at war with time.
Second by second,
I am losing the war.
  - mce

Friday, March 26, 2010

Laotian Rain

The bullets
that missed
were not
his friends.
  - mce

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


 (To those concerned: The poet tries to isolate and amplify the dramatic moment. Not every impersonal, third person pronoun {or for that matter, first person pronoun} that you read on this blog refers, exactly, to me. - mce)

Friends told him,
he was drinking
himself to death.
he was thinking
himself to death.
  - mce

Re-Reading Nietzsche On A Spring Morning


Eros breaks
the bonds
of death.

Reason dies
with us.

the dance.
  - mce


Beer bottles blossom
on my deck railing;
Spring at last!
  - mce


What we offer up
freely to death
returns, after great
tribulation, as life.
  - mce

Bad News, Walt Whitman

It is ever more difficult
to sing of One's-Self.
The En-Masse
has swallowed up
the simple separate person;
the Democratic
is dying, if not dead.
The Leaves of Grass
now all look the same,
chant the same slogans,
believe and buy
what they are told
to believe and buy.
The power, pulse
and passion of Life
are subsumed
in blind conformity.
You said a man should,
"Resist much; obey little."
How many, in all this land,
now have the courage
to live those words?
That vast American energy
you rightly celebrated
is channeled now
to serve war and greed
and evil usury.
You would find little
in the current version
of The Modern Man
worth singing about;
little worth the immensity
of your vision and voice.
If you could return now
and chance to see
the empty, constricted husk
your country has become,
I wonder how Cheerful
your song would be.
  - mce

Political Aside

When you have to
pass a drug test
and a background check
to shovel mulch
on some rich dude's
sorry-assed shrubs
for seven dollars
and fifty cents an hour,
the very notion
of freedom
becomes a farce.
  - mce

A Foot Race

Drink kills;
tobacco kills;
but loneliness kills
much faster.
  - mce

A Sign Of Spring?

Splitting already
split wood to make
smaller splits
for smaller fires.
  - mce

Catch And Release

Reading over
two years
of poems,
more than
eight hundred
I find
perhaps forty
that may be
worth saving.

Five percent.

So many casts
for so few fish.
  - mce

And Yet, They Are Pretty

The colorful prayer flags
on my deck railing
flutter out their
pointless supplications.
You live out the Dharma
as best you can,
always and forever alone.
No help is on the way.
   - mce

On Teaching

The same old shit endlessly:

grade grubbing students;
career obsessed colleagues;
pettifogging administrators.

And what is the net result?

More androids to fill the desks
of demon corporations
and faceless systems.

I have become
just another Eichmann
following orders;
just another Himmler
stuffing the ovens
of the Death Machine.

Noblest profession, my ass.

The greatest regret
of my life:
that I never learned
an honest trade.
  - mce

Anxiety Attack

Can't seem
to catch my breath.
Afraid I will die;
afraid I won't die.
I've forgotten;
what's the difference?
  - mce

On Sobriety

Drunk, the world is
warm Technicolor curves;
sober, cold monochrome angles.
A week without whiskey,
bumping into sharp edges,
life becomes a bloody mess
of open, dripping wounds.
Bacchus, Dionysus,
quick... bring the first aid kit!
  - mce

Stockholm Syndrome

Kidnapped by the muse,
I am held hostage
by poverty and beauty:
most ambivalent captivity.
  - mce

One Year In A Cabin

I have come to dread
what others think romantic:
rain on a tin roof.
  - mce

Vernal Equinox

I made it
  - mce


The man
who has been
a coward once
disdains the man
who has been
a coward twice.
  - mce

Elegant Solution

Become the knot,
then untie yourself.
  - mce

Loneliness At Evening

Sing to me, Night,
and I will try
to sing back to you.
Together, we will
raise a duet
of desire and delight.
What more, really,
can we do?
  - mce

Down The Road

Souls that have kissed
cannot be separated.
This life or the next;
time after time;
everything turns
and returns.
When we meet again,
I will know you.
  - mce

Soft Water, White Magick

No man whose heart has
awakened to the murmur
of creek water flowing
near his cabin window
can ever utterly despair again.
  - mce

Why I Rarely Write Prose

Poets dance,
but the times
call the tune.
The short line
must suffice
when the mass
of readers
mostly cannot
anything more
than how much
they made
last year.
 - mce

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Old Friends

While the metaphorical mailman is on leave, please feel free to visit any of my previous blogs. These were written over the last two years and, of course, present different pictures of what was happening over that period. Some of it is embarrassing, but that's just in the game. Being a writer is much like one of those dreams in which you find yourself naked in front of a whole bunch of people.

The original was called Struggle Mountain.

The ensuing efforts were Instances, Step/Rock Journal and Creek Watcher.

My personal favorite is Instances, but then, what do I know?

There might be some things worth revisiting on these. Or not.

When I have at least twenty new items, I'll begin to post to this blog again. Could take days; could take longer. You'll know when I know.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Occupational Hazard

Sometimes words
cease to be a joy
and become a burden.
Sometimes you
must set them down
and take a rest.
The poet is a mailman
lugging a load of life,
carrying bundles
that most people
don't even want
to think about:
heavy thoughts
on weighty subjects.
Occasionally, even a
metaphorical mailman
needs a holiday.
  - mce

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Where have you fled,
green-eyed goddess
of the singing lyre?
When I listen now,
all I hear are echoes.
  - mce

Poetry Vs. Reality

I love
the way
rhymes with
it is not
the sixteenth
and I don't
own dogs.
  - mce

A Needy Poem

I need
I need
a car;
I need
a dentist;
I need
a square
I need
my kids;
I need
a muse;
I need
true love;
I need
I need
I need
I need
I need
a break.
I need
to stop
being so
  - mce

Lost Warmth

When you left
you took the sun
with you;
now the moon
rules me.
I wax and wane
and sometimes
vanish altogether.
Where do I go
when I disappear?
To seek the sun,
of course.
  - mce

Monday, March 15, 2010


At the heart,
we can speak
through art;
but at the bone,
we remain
  - mce

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time and Distance

They work.
But the results
are not always
what you might
At best, they are
a mirror in which
we see our own
They reveal,
but do not alter.
Days and miles
cannot change
who we are.
  - mce

Who Knew?

I miss the lies
that couples say
to help each other
through the day.
  - mce

Mortal Question

Death murmurs in the
sodden branches of the trees:
whom is it calling?
  - mce

Friday, March 12, 2010


I hear music
you can't find
on earth.
   - mce

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Everything I've Learned About Myself To Date

I'm probably ten percent
too damned dumb,
and stubborn,
to save my own hide.
  - mce

Art Lesson

The very young
like to believe
they will paint
their own lives.
To some degree
this is true,
but many hands
touch the brush.
  - mce

The Necessity Of Hope

If it dies,
the Heart
goes with it.
  - mce

En Garde

Beware the fatal moment
when you no longer
choose your actions;
when they seize control
and choose you.
Call it madness
or call it inevitable:
great disaster will ensue.
  - mce


On this
particularly gray
it brings
great comfort
to recall
the many
of dreams.
  - mce

A Gardening Tip

   - for SJH

Even when most frozen,
the soil of the heart
contains the possibilities
of fresh and better life.
Water it; tend it; nurture it.
Wait for the warmth to return.
Many flowers wait to blossom.
New bouquets for new days.
  - mce

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Allure Of Sleep

in dreams
does life


Once, I knew
a woman so
utterly lovely
that her laughter
was the sound
of buds bursting,
of flowers blooming.
That was years ago,
but whenever
I encounter a freshly
opened blossom,
I still see that sound.
 - mce


I spent most of my life as a self-obsessed, angry asshole. The reasons why no longer matter. Though hard on those I loved, it was even harder on me. Now, although still self-obsessed (I might soften that to self-conscious), the anger has dwindled and I try very hard not to be an asshole. Given the painful vicissitudes of life, you can call that what you like, but I call it progress.
  - mce

Morning Epiphany

Looking at my hands,
I can't quite
recognize them.
  - mce

The Grand Canyon Of Loss

Not enough
in the whole
wide world
to refill it.
  - mce

The Reluctant Initiate Rebels

For reasons
unknown to me,
I have been
to endure
of silence.
I was meant
to learn
from it.
Well, I haven't.
Enough now.
A little noise,
  - mce

Axis Mundi

Yesterday, first
Indigo Bunting;
this morning,
no need for a fire.
Everything turns,
except me.
  - mce


The living boy
who grew six inches
in a single year
becomes more difficult
to see or hear,
has faded now
to random dreams,
life is not so solid
as it seems.
  - mce

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How To Become A Poet

Gaze long enough
at the lonely moon
and you too
will begin to howl.
  - mce

It's Getting Late

The passage of the years
constrains possibility;
calendars squeeze life.
Now I know there are
poems I won't read again;
books I won't open again;
places I'll not visit again;
people I won't see again;
lips I'll never kiss again.
Age narrows time.
Approaching sixty,
everywhere around me,
the sound of closing doors.
  - mce

First Shoots

Beneath old leaves
on the cold ground,
they stir and move
without a sound;
life, new and green
and faintly glowing,
toward the sunlight
gently growing.
  - mce

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thankfully, It's Too Late For Investment Banking...

OK, if there is
no other way
to be;
Argh, Matey,
the pirate's life
for me.
  - mce

Parzival Redux

Five years
in the Dark Wood
wandering, lost,
seeking the Vessel
that must not
be sought,
the Drink
that might quench
his relentless,
burning thirst.
No choice given;
the wyrd will out.
Is this a Noble Quest
or a fool's errand
or perhaps both?
In any case,
he hopes to be
fully fool enough
for the job.
  - mce

Sunday, March 7, 2010


He loved a woman:
her eyes were green,
her soul was sweet.
She left him then,
and now his heart
just beats retreat.
 - mce

A Sure Sign Of Aging

Each morning,
it takes longer
and longer
to return from
the Ghost World.
  - mce

Just A Minute

Anyone can
be a saint
for five minutes;
it's minute six
that tells the tale.
  - mce

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alas, Poetry...

A pleasant
enough way
to start the day,
but (sadly)
it cures no ills
and pays no bills.
  - mce

Versus Amor

It will happen
in the moment
when I meet
my shadow,
or not at all.
  - mce

Monsters In The Attic

Time does not erase
nor can it heal,
it dulls, like whiskey,
the edge of real
sins and griefs,
but they remain,
living souvenirs
of our human pain.
Try as we must
to drive away
the debts of hurt
and not to pay
any attention
to the lingering woe
of scars incurred
in the long ago,
the best we can do,
with a brave face,
is bind them tight
in a secret place,
in a shabby box
that sits apart,
in the dusty attic
of our mortal heart.
  - mce

A Short How And Why

The essence
of the poem
in the poet's heart:
a long, soundless
that won't stop
until spoken.
  - mce

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Every Poet Wonders

Does anyone
hear the silence
of the Words
within my words?
  - mce


how sad.
  - mce

An Improbably Brief, Non-Technical Dissertation On Appreciating The Musical Genius Of John Coltrane

the notes;
enter into
the silences.
  - mce

Decoding Wolfram Von Eschenbach

Each knight
must enter the forest
at exactly the point
where it appears
(to his heart)
most impenetrable
and seek the Grail
completely alone.
This is exactly
what it means
to be born again.
  - mce

Pass The Compass And Sextant, Matey...

At the ending
of ice-bound winter,
a pirate wakes
to one clear thought:
which way now?
  - mce

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Heart-Felt Tennessee Thank You To My Readers, Known and Unknown

In a mere thirty-five days,
this (my humblest) blog
has reached a thousand hits.
Never happened so fast before.
Deepest Thanks, Gentle Readers,
although I don't really
understand the attraction.
The artistic temperament
is prone to drink, drugs,
despair and suicide.
I have (so far) survived three
and having an audience
helps keep (at least for now)
the fourth at bay.
Y'all come back real soon, ya'hear.
  - mce

Casual Delight

It's noon:
oh be
of good
it's time
a beer!
  - mce

Karmic Inquiry

Fevers and fatigue
attend my faltering liver.
I probably won't see sixty.
Content with things that
must remain unfinished;
considerably less so
with those I've done.
Have I played the part
my Karma demanded
or simply been a fool?
No knowing.
  - mce

Sorry, No Reward Offered

Somewhere along the road,
I must have lost my heart.
Should you happen upon it,
(but only if it is still beating)
please mail it to this address.
  - mce

Schwerige Sprache

Silence is a difficult
language to learn;
I practice diligently,
but can't quite
hear the words.
Doesn't matter.
All too soon,
I will be fluent.
  - mce

Wood-Stove Simile

Life is very
like a wood-stove;
you keep tending it,
but, in the end,
all that's left is ashes.
  - mce

A Very Bad Idea

One more gray day
might just drive me to
drink some whiskey,
listen to George Jones
and clean my shotgun.
Loud bang! Deep silence.
  - mce

Daniel Boone Considers Heading West

Turkeys in the meadow,
squirrels in the walls,
mice in the kitchen,
cranes in the sky, 
voices in my head,
ghosts in my heart:
it's getting awfully
crowded around here.
  - mce

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Round Trip Ticket To Hell, Please...

Sadly, the crazy
old man nailed it.
To be at home
with the good
an intimate visit
with evil,
and no round trip
is guaranteed.
  - mce

A Curse Upon The Infrequency Of Liquor Stores In Tennessee

Just another day
of gray, gloom
and wet snow.
Thanks a lot, God.
Oh whiskey!
where are you
when I need you?
at least
in the midst
of desolation,
seems to me
cruelly overrated.
  - mce

Heartburn and Hemorrhoids

   - for Nietzsche

Too much questing
after the truth
engenders, finally,
and hemorrhoids.
Purge yourself.
Fuck epistemology.
Eat a paw paw.
Have a drink.
Count the cobwebs.
Learn to know
your toes.
Put that book
back on the shelf.
Accept the sunshine
that may illuminate
an uncritical moment.
Bask in it.
Release your mind
to wander aimlessly
in nature's delight.
Penetrate the Goddess.
Become the lover
content to enjoy
what cannot last,
what will be lost.
Save your questions
for a cloudy day.
There is more
to knowing
than knowledge
can say.
  - mce

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Moment's Wonder

A huge flight
of Sandhill Cranes
just soared north
yelping exuberantly
above the valley:
the sound of God
laughing out loud.
  - mce

The Don't Poem

I don't know
who reads these words.
I don't know
why I write them.
I don't know
why the winter is long.
I don't know
when spring will come.
I don't know
if anyone loves me.
I don't know
why they should.
I don't know
how I got here.
I don't know
where I am going.
I don't know
why I don't know
these things.
So many don'ts
to make a life.
  - mce

Wanagi Canku

Though still
my footsteps
have already
taken this path.
A lone coyote
howls beneath
the full moon.
The Old Ones
any day
is a good day
to die;
only one road
leads home.
  - mce

Nautical Thought

Not to accept what is
shows contempt for creation;
better to swim in life's water
than try to walk on it.
  - mce