Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Storm Warning

Laying in survival supplies
for the impending snowstorm
(six inches forecast,
an apocalypse
in middle-Tennessee).

A quart of bourbon,
four cans of Hormel chili,
six packs of cigarettes,
Triscuits and cheese,
a twelve pack of Yuengling,
a novel to read,
a mountain of wood,
pirated movies to watch
and plenty of poetry.

Gather, oh ye winds of doom!
I've got you covered,
before you cover me.
  - mce


  1. I like this poem...maybe because it has Yuengling in it.. or maybe because there seems to be a mutual respect here between the storm and the speaker. Nature is forgiving provided you've got foresight. Just watch out for the power outages, then the movies are useless..and you need candles. Maybe nature will still get the last laugh. :)

  2. Well, I do have candles, but I hope it doesn't come to that. Still, out in the boonies, you never underestimate Mama Nature's ability to kick your butt. :)
