Sunday, February 21, 2010


My ghosts are hungry
this morning
and demand to be fed
or they won't shut up.
Where, exactly,
do you buy ghost food?
  - mce


  1. Let go of the past
    then you will have peace at last

  2. I have been actively letting go of the past for three years. Some ghosts are stickier than others.

  3. Some want to continue to be a part of our head & heart
    We are the only one who can tell them to depart
    Some do not like to roam far from home
    They are comfortable in their place but in our life take up too much space
    We must use an angry tone when we tell them we want to be left alone
    They are like uninvited guest if we feed them they think they have found a place to rest
    Do not feed them or they will stay & never go away
    (Bad Poet)
