Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dream Lovers

Sometimes dream lovers,
if not the best, are very good.

Someone with whom
you can get
metaphorically naked
and roll around
in a big imaginary bed
without having to worry
about your blemishes
or the inevitable
effects of gravity
or bad hair
in the morning
or what they will
want for breakfast
or having to say
that you love them,
when you don't.

Someone with whom
there are no sad residuals
or lingering consequences.

The living flesh is best of all,
but, still, sometimes
dream lovers are very good.

Would you like to slip
into my bed of dreams?

We can do anything
we can imagine
for as long as you like.

You are welcome there.
  - mce


  1. "Would you like to slip into my bed of dreams?"
    Yes, please ... ~

  2. And, as the Everly Brothers once sang, "all you have to do is dream."
